we setup DND Studio - Do Not Disturb with the objective of countering the ordinary by creating defining architectural experiences that traverse traditional boundaries of spatial design and user experience.
we invite you to continue reading our philosophy and manifesto.

we believe that the buildings and spaces in which we live, work and play should go beyond the bounds of straightforward functionality. we seek to find functionality 3.0 where a space may function in multiple dimensions, serving different and perhaps even conflicting purposes. it's this that lends us new approaches to form that should inspire, stimulate and awaken the imagination.
this pillar of our manifesto is our commitment to creating spaces that take the entire context into consideration so as not to impact the micro climates, ecosystems and environments in which mother nature exists. finding innovative solutions to create minimum interference with these fragile systems that belong to our planet is one of the greatest challenges of our generation and one to which we must all commit.

ordinary is a benchmark in a cookie cutter world; but with generational shifts, changes in approach and new technologies it should no longer be that way. extraordinary should be the benchmark. we strive to help drive that change whether by pushing the boundaries of possibility or simply a unique approach to the mundane.